JFA-70Xi: Freeze, Viscosity & Density
ASTM D5972 (IP 435), ASTM D2386 (IP 16/ISO 3013), DEF STAN 91-091, CGSB 3.23 & 3.24
Phase Technology’s new JFA-70Xi jet fuel analyzer is the world’s first and only instrument that performs three crucial tests in one unit—freeze point, viscosity and density. The JFA-70Xi features a new, side loaded automatic sample injection port. There’s no longer a need to manually pipette.
The JFA is completely self-cleaning, without the need of solvents. Save time and hassle of cleaning, and avoid any risk of damage to the sample cup.
ASTM has updated D1655 jet fuel specification to include Phase Technology’s ASTM D7945, as used in the JFA-70Xi jet fuel analyzer.
The 70Xi is available in manual, single shot or with a 48-station autosampler, which allows unattended testing. Users can initiate 1 to 48 runs in a row, then walk away and let the analyzer do the rest.
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