BioCal™ Spectrophotometers Calibration Service
BioCal™ Spectrophotometers Calibration Service is accredited by SAC-SINGLAS
A spectrophotometer is typically used for photometric concentration determination of analytes in liquids (eg. DNA, RNA, proteins, cells and chemical compounds) and recording of absorbance wavelength spectra in cuvettes.
Periodic calibration of spectrophotometers is important to ensure accurate measurement of analytical wavelength and obtaining reliable photometric data.
BioCal™ spectrophotometers calibration service is performed using traceable CRM (Certified Reference Material) for UV and Visible Spectrophotometry. Our CRM is produced in accordance to ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO Guide 34 and calibrated with measurements traceable to a national standard.

BioCal™ UV/Vis spectrophotometers calibration service helps you to verify critical performance parameters of your spectrophotometers. These include:
Wavelength Accuracy ~ deviation of the average wavelength reading at an absorption band or emission band from the known wavelength of the band. Measurements are made using CRM with sharp peaks at know positions. Upto 14 wavelength positions will be checked by our engineers, covering a wavelength range from 240 to 640nm.
Photometric Accuracy ~ maximum difference between the actual absorbance of a sample and that displayed on your instrument. Photometric accuracy is determined at different absorbance levels by applying CRM of differing concentrations at specific wavelengths. Measurements can be performed for upto four different wavelengths.
Stray Light Control ~ screens for unwanted light in the system at wavelengths other than the one intended. Stray light is determined using a blocking filter that transmits light above a certain wavelength and blocks all light below that wavelength. Any measured transmittance by our engineer at this wavelength is then due to stray light.
Spectral Resolution ~ determines the maximum number of spectral peaks that your instrument can resolve. Our engineers will assess the ability of your instrument to differentiate between adjacent absorbance peaks by deriving a bandwidth specific ratio where absorbance maximum is divided by adsorbance minimum.
Our site calibration team is also trained to identify potential issues that may affect the performance of your spectrophotometers. Where required or requested to, our site calibration engineer will assist with recommendations for any remedial actions needed to be carried out to improve the operating performance of your spectrophotometers.
BioCal™ calibration service guarantees you with:
- Highest level of measurement confidence
- Detailed reports with equipment & environmental traceability
- Setup for lowest possible measurement uncertainties
- Participation in interlaboratory proficiency testing
- Full service transparency through frequent external audits
- Trained technicians for optimum support & prompt service
BioCal™ Accredited UV/Vis Spectrophotometers Calibration Service includes:
Functional Checks & Cleaning
- Cleaning of instrument housing
- Cleaning of visible spillage within the sample compartment
- Confirm spectrophotometer’s control functions are operative
SAC-SINGLAS Accredited Calibration
- Upto 14-points Wavelength Accuracy Check (Holmium Perchloric Solution, range 240-640nm)
- Three-concentrations Photometric Accuracy Check at wavelengths 235, 257, 313 & 350nm
- Sodium Iodide Stray Light Absorbance Check (260nm, Path-length of 1cm)
- Spectral Resolution Check (Toluene in Hexane, 267-269nm)
BioCal™ Quality Assurance Commitments
- Frequent validation of our CRM to ensure a high level of measurement confidence
- Attestation of laboratory’s competency via Proficiency Testing Programs